Monday, February 7, 2011

100 Mile Club

Back in day, well just middle school, we had a little thing called "100 Mile Club." Not sure if other school districts honored the friendly competition between students. Basically it separated the athletic from the not so gifted in the athletic department kids. I thankfully, enjoyed running back in the day and especially that cold Sparklets water that waited for me after my 8th lap. So, the premise of the "club" was that by the end of your 8th grade year, which gives you three years, you were suppose to run 100 miles, so every week, we ran for 50 minutes and collected chips for every lap around the local park. I hated it, trust me, I rather dance for 3 hours then endure the pain of running, but I realized that it was a good thing.
Let me get to my point, this year, I'm going to try to run 100 miles. Little known fact, in my three years at middle school, I ran about 200 miles (I collected: an awesome pair of socks at 25 miles, cheap nylon duffle bag at 75, royal blue sweatshirt at 100, a fashionable white hoodie at 150 and forgot to collect my polo shirt at 175). So how hard can it be to run 100 miles in an year? Well let's see:

I have 365 and 100 miles to run. We are about 38 days into the new year. I have ran about 3 miles so far. So I have 97 miles to go! And tons of days to finish.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

where'd she go?

hi everyone! i'm sorry for the lack of posts. i promise i will be back into the swing of things soon! i've been pretty busy every week for the past few months, so i'll be updating soon!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

my picasa is being stupid

i apologize for my picasa. i'm not quite sure what's going on, but i'll fix it and get the pictures up soon.

thank you for your patience.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Big Island Fun

as i spent the week preparing for a very needed seven days away from reality and from life, i did not realize that i was preparing for one of the best vacations i would encounter. i have been on my share of vacations in all sorts of tropical destinations, but this one was especially special.
upon arriving at lax in the middle of the afternoon and as we boarded our non-stop flight to kona, hawaii, i thought to myself, how different is this place going to be from oahu. was it going to be equally touristy and a tropical version of LA? as we descended into the kona airport, we were greeted with a old school staircase that led us directly off the plane, which felt so old school, something that elvis would have done back in his days of perusing through hawaii. immediately after getting off the plane, i was greeted with a great cool sea breeze and an open air terminal. i knew i was definitely not in the city anymore.
after picking up the rental car, we began our long journey to waikoloa, a resort area of the island. without knowing how far the condo was going to be from the airport, we began our journey with a long, dark twenty mile drive to waikoloa. being from the suburbs of LA, we have our share of cars and the pollution gets thick in my neck of the woods, so as we were driving, i stuck my head out the window of our rental car and marveled at the beautiful stars that seemed to blanket the sky above kona. just thinking how blessed i was to be in such a beautiful place.
when we got into our condo, i stepped outside into our wrap around penthouse balcony and saw this strip of white cloudiness in the sky and as i was about to call for my dad to ask what it was, my dad came out and let me know it was the milky way. and that was the first time i saw the milky way, it was so close, so visible, i felt like i was just floating inside the milky way.

ok enough of my commentary, i just wanted to share the first few hours of my travels to the big island. i'll continue the rest of the story with pictures, since everyone loves pictures.

here we go!

that's the cliff notes version of our vacation. i also took a bunch of instax pictures, so once i get those scanned in, i'll make sure i post it.

seriously one of the most beautiful places i've ever been.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Crafty Corner

in the past two or three weeks, i've been juggling time between work and having fun. i made three trips out to the city in one week, pretty much hung out in the LA every single weekend and made a trip down south to san diego for a good friend's wedding. it's been nothing but great fun and good times being able to discover new places and things to do with some of my favorite people in the world.

the first of the fun things i got to do was the eco stiletto second anniversary party out in beverly hills with my bestie. where we got gifted with great eco friendly goods, including makeup and Tom's toothpaste and my favorite O.N.E. coconut water. (i have pictures from this party, but they are the instax minis and i haven't had the chance to scan them into the computer, i will post them as soon as i scan them)
after another few days of shopping and night time fun, my bestie J crew (jenny and joanne), my favorite traveling partners and i made our way to san diego to witness the marriage of our dear friend annie and sean. although it was a short time together, we were honored that we got to share the momentous occasion together.


the following sunday, ashley and i went out to the corn fields of LA, endured the so cal sun and heat and attended the renegade craft fair. where we had fun looking at all the hand crafted goods and did a little shopping.






in the next few weeks, i have some more exciting adventures so i'll be taking more pictures and posting very soon.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Welcome to Hollywood!

on wednesday i had the privilege to voyage off to hollywood. my early birthday gift from my brother, he bought me tickets to "in the heights." well he has been wanting to see this show for about a year and being a theater junkie myself, i agreed to take him and have the ticket be my birthday/christmas present. so i took my brother to hollywood, a land where dreams happen. we went to the kodak theater, mann's chinese theater and went around hollywood and highland. As we walked into the kodak theater complex, we walked up the stairs with the academy award winning movies on both sides of the stairs. as i watched my brother walk and read all the movies, i can just see the sparkle in his eyes, the hopes of a young actor to receive such a prestigious award sometime in his life time. we passed a few of our favorites and turned around and saw all the empty slots for the future winners and hopefully he will be able to be apart of one of those winners in the future. we also got to walk the faux red carpet and read funny sayings from "actors" on the floor, something i never noticed the past times i had gone.

we then made our way down hollywood blvd. passed a few of my favorite hot spots, geisha house, beso, katsuya and realized that one of my favorite restaurants had been turned into a club, bella was now angels and kings. and realized that one club i had gone to, mood was now closed. i then came to the conclusion that the life span of a hollywood club is one year and if the hill's cast is not going, then no one is going.

after about a mile walk, we finally made it to the pantages. the home of many broadway shows that somehow make a home on the west. last time i had been was when i watched lion king back in middle school. but this time we were is premium seating, in orchestra. so after watching a great show, with amazing actors and songs (which officially are apart of my collection of favorite broadway songs). we made our way to the stage door and waited to meet the amazing actors. my brother was about to pee in his pants, but he got his program ready and waited for the actors to come. all every nice and humble. after all the minor characters came out, shaun taylor-corbett came out and we got to meet him. my brother was so star struck and we shared with him that he some day wanted to be in his shoes. he was so nice to ask for my brother's name and said that he would be looking for him on broadway in the future. to a thirteen year old with hopes and dreams that made his day, week, probably year. i almost cried because at that point i realized that was the turning point of life, maybe he is meant to be an actor, but we will have to wait for God and see what he has in store for him in the future. but it was a fairy tail ending to a great day.

*sorry for the ugliness of this post, i used picasa to upload pictures and it didn't center them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


i've recently fell in love with the art of photography, probably because of my dad, but it's also because of a couple of photographers that i adore. so after a long day of studying, i came home and sat down at my computer to watch a video on garance dore's site and now i feel so much better. rested and full of energy and most importantly, happy (with this california rain, it makes me sad). so i want to share it with you! it's more or less a fashion/ photography video, but i just love it, along with the song that accompanies it, it just makes the video that much better. so the video is so perfect for a day like today (at least in california) it's raining here, it's raining in the video, how perfect!